28 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Penggunaan Lahan Konservasi Tingkat Satuan Pemukiman: Studi Kasus Unit Pemukiman Transmigrasi Rantau Pandan Sp-3, Provinsi Jambi

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    Erosion constitute one of constraint for dryland farming in Indonesia. In dryland farming in transmigration sites, almost all factors led to the high rate of erosion: high intensity of rainfall in a short period, steep slope, opening of forest landcover for cultivation, and the absence of conservation efforts. This research was conducted to determine the soil conservation measures according to spatially calculated erosion. The calculation of the erosion rate was first carried out spatially, so that appropriate conservation could be recomended. The study was conducted in Rantau Pandan SP-3, Jambi Province. The amount of erosion was calculated using the method of Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) (Wischmeier & Smith, 1978). The results of the research showed that the magnitude of the maximum erosion in transmigration site of Rantau Pandan SP-3 ranged from 0.004 tonnes/ha/year to 496.97 tonnes/ha/year. The magnitude of this erosion is the maximum erosion in some land use types in the settlement and other part of land. Lands in Rantau Pandan SP-3 have an erosion hazard rate which were classified as mild to very severe. Tolerable erosion at Rantau Pandan SP-3 ranged from 29.7 to 35.8 tonnes/ha/year, taking into consideration the 300 years lifetime of soil. Spatially, erosion calculation can be done using several assumptions in accordance with the observations of field conditions. In each land use polygon can be assigned a maximum amount of erosion, which can then be used for the determination of soil conservation techniques. As erosion considered is the maximum erosion, protection against erosion can be guaranteed

    Spatial Multi-criteria Decision Making for Delineating Agricultural Land in Jakarta Metropolitan Area\u27s Hinterland: Case Study of Bogor Regency, West Java

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    The hinterland of Jakarta has experienced high pressure in its land utilization due to Jakarta\u27s rapid development. The objective of this research was to analyse the suitable land available for agriculture. The research was conducted in Bogor, a hinterland regency of Jakarta. The methodology used includes two steps of analysis, which are land suitability and land availability analysis. Land suitability for agriculture was analysed using multi-criteria decision making method. Seven (7) criteria were included, which consist of soil class, land capability class, slope, elevation, slope aspect, land use/land cover and distance to roads. The criteria were weighted using the Analytical Hierarchy Process. Combining criteria weights and sub-criteria scores, an overlay model in Geographic Information System was applied. The result from land suitability analysis was used as a feed for determining land availability, considering the forest area status and land allocation in the official spatial land use plan. The results indicate that an area amounting to 87.5% of Bogor Regency is suitable for agriculture. Land which is suitable and available for agriculture is 16.7% of the regency\u27s area. Considering available land which is currently in use, the area that can be allocated for the expansion of agriculture is 3.3%

    Perencanaan Pengembangan Lahan Sawah Di Kabupaten Kubu Raya

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    As one of the alternative location for paddy fields development, Kubu Raya Regencyhave a problem with lack of information on the land suitability and land availability. This study aimed to analyze the development potency of paddy field through land availability and land suitability analysis. The land availability was analyzed based on the land use and land cover interpreted from Landsat 8 image, a map of forest areas status, a map of spatial land use planning and a map of paddy field from the Ministry of Agriculture. Meanwhile, the evaluation ofland suitability wasexamined using the land system map (RePPProT) scale of 1: 250,000,which then complemented with the result of soil analysis. Analysis of land suitability wasconducted using the maximum limitation method.The research results show that suitable land for paddy field is 205,914 ha, which are classified into S3 with the limiting factor are poor drainage, peat maturity, peat depth and nutrients availability. Potential land (land suitability and land availability) for paddy fields development reached 62,176 ha. Recommended Development areas in the first priority is 1124 ha, the second priority is 35,334 ha and the third priority is 25,718 ha

    Karakteristik, Klasifikasi Tanah, Dan Pertumbuhan Tanaman Jati (Tectona Grandis Linn F.) Var. Unggul Nusantara Di Ciampea, Kabupaten Bogor

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    Teak (Tectona grandis Linn f.) produce one of the most desirable wood in the world. Nowadays, fast growing teak resulting from genetically engineered teak have been available. This study aims to look at the relationship between land characteristics and soil classification with vegetative growth of “Unggul Nusantara” varieties of teak. The study was conducted in Ciampea, Bogor Regency. Soil properties were analyzed from three profiles, while the vegetative growth of teak was measured from 2.5-3 years old teak planted on those land. The diversity of soil properties on the profiles were function of the difference of soil parent material as well as its position on the slopes. Three soil profiles of P-1, P-2, and P-3, lying from upslope to the downslope, were classified respectively as Typic Paleudalf, very fine, mix, active, isohipertermic; Typic Dystrudept, very fine, mix, active, isohipertermic; and Typic Hapludult, very fine, mix, semi-active, isohipertermic. Soil of the three profiles were capable of supporting the growth of teak varieties of “Unggul Nusantara”. The best grown plant was found on the profile P-1 in the upslope, followed by the plant on the profile P-3 in the downslope, and then the plants on land above the P-2 in the middle slope. Nevertheless, the quality of the teak harvest produced in the three profiles can be categorized as low category. Soil with lime sediment parent material that has a high pH and base saturation is able to provide better growth for plants teak varieties of “Unggul Nusantara”

    Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Komoditas Sayuran Unggulan Di Kabupaten Batang

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    Batang Regency has potential land resource for the development of vegetable commodity because it has a diverse agro-ecological conditions, ranging from coastal areas, plains and mountains. However, these conditions have not been matched with adequate vegetable productivity because it is still below the average productivity of Central Java province. The purpose of this study were to know the primary commodities of vegetable in Batang, to know the land availability for development of primary vegetable commodities and to know available of land suitability for development of primary vegetable commodities in Batang. The analytical method used in this study were : LQ and SSA, land availability analysis and land suitability analysis.The results showed that the primary vegetables in Batang are potato, carrot, long bean, large pepper, cucumber, cayenne pepper, eggplant, cabbage and mustard. Available land for development planning based on primary vegetable horticulture area are 28.558 hectares.The results of soil analysis showed that the potential suitability classes for potatoes, cucumbers and carrots have potential level suitability of S2 and S3. Long bean,Chili large, cayenne pepper, eggplant, cabbage and mustard have a potential level suitability of S1 (highly suitable) although that area were not too large

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan untuk Kawasan Permukiman dengan Metode Multi Criteria Evaluation di Kota Padang

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    Population growthis linear tothe requrement of settlement area, while the area of the earth is limited. It was caused inappropriate use of the land. This study aims to identify, analyze, and describe dynamics and suitability of land for settlements in Padang. Determination of land suitablity for settlementis using Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE) method. The indicators used in determining the suitability of land for settlement is the slope, the frequency of flooding, drainage, distrubusi gravel, rock distribution and effective depth. Weighting in the analysis of land suitability based on the opinions of experts from various fields related to as many as 15 experts. Analysis result for land suitability of settlements in the area show that: there were 12.543 ha (18%) very suitable for settlement; 52.390 ha (75,4%) were suitable for settletment; 4.279 ha (6,2%).were compatible with marginal for settlement; and 285 ha (0,8%) were unsuitable for settlement. The area is very suitable for residential areas is very limited, so expect optimal utilization

    Model Konservasi Sumberdaya Air Danau Toba

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    This study aims to design and build water resource conservation model with emphasis on technical, socio-economical,and ecological aspects involving extensive changes in land use, population growth, continuity of operation of the hydropower of Asahan and some other aspects of the catchment. Illustration of the water balance was made under the influence of land use and other economic activities. Modelling of water balance was constructed by the method of dynamic modeling systems using Powersim software. The water availability was analyzed using FJ.Mock method with variables derived from the analysis of the ecological condition of the catchment area of Lake Toba. The simulations ofwater balance and water level was performed for the condition without intervention variables and with intervention variables. The intervention variables was performed in pessimistic, moderat and optimistic scenario to provide an overview of conservation policy. The simulation of the water balance and lake water level indicate that either in the year of 2017-2057, the best scenario is between moderate and optimistic scenarios in the condition of the population growth between 0.8% - 1.0% per year, infiltration coefficient values between 0.40 to 0.45, the value of land cover factor between 0.25 to 0.3, while the flow ofwater released into the Asahan River of 91.69 m3/sec in average

    Discriminating Land Characteristics of Yield and Total Sugar Content Classes of Cilembu Sweet Potato (Ipomoea Batatas L.)

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    Cilembu sweet potato is a unique commodity with high demand market due to its sweet taste. The objectives of this study were to investigate the production performance of Cilembu sweet potatoes in term of production classes and critical limit and to determine discriminating land characteristics classes of yield and total sugar content. This study was conducted in Cilembu sweet potatoes production centers in West Java. Sweet potatoes tuber and soil samples were collected by purposive random sampling during harvest. Cilembu sweet potatoes production classes were defined by decreasing yields criteria in land evaluation. Critical limit production was the lowest yield and total sugar content of raw tuber which harvested in Cilembu village. Discriminating land characteristics were decided by discriminant analysis. Results showed that there was a significant different yield between typical and nontypical areas. Critical limit of yield and total sugar content were 10.5 t ha-1 and 2.32 %, respectively. The discriminating land characteristics of yield classes were soil properties (pH, CEC, P, Ca, Mg, ΔT), and monthly rainfall, whereas for total sugar content classes were effective soil depth, clay, sand and monthly rainfall. These variables are proposed as diagnostic criteria in Cilembu sweet potato land suitability criteria

    Penerapan Metoda Fuzzy dalam Klasifikasi Lahan Kritis Berbasis Hydraulic Response Unit (Hru) Subdas Cisangkuy

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    Various natural disasters, such as floods and landslides, are often associated with extreme weather conditions, especially rainfall, where in fact the possibility of such a disaster will be smaller if the carrying capacity of the land is still good. The decrease of land carrying capacity is often due to land use change, so that the land is not capable to perform it functions and is categorized as critical land. The decline in land carrying capacity will affect other resources, especially water resources. Anticipatory measures of natural disasters such as floods and landslides can perfectly prepared if information regarding land conditions, including land criticality, are available in detail and up to date. The classification and mapping of land criticality becomes an important component in the preparation of land rehabilitation and natural disaster prevention plans including setting the priority actions. The Minister of Forestry Regulation no P.32 / Menhut-II / 2009 concerning Procedures for Preparation of Forest and Watershed Technical Rehabilitation Plan was use as criteria for land classification and both Fuzzy and Crisp calculation methods were applied to calculate the final score. Different classification result was found in 23 HURL and comparing to actual the condition, the Fuzzy method gives more accurate result than Crisp method